Sevier County Public Library System Technology and Internet Public Access Policy

Sevier County Public Library System

Technology and Internet Public Access Policy



                The Sevier County Public Library System (SCPLS) is pleased to offer public use of the Internet as part of the libraries’ mission of providing free access to learning, discovery, and enrichment for our community.  The libraries’ computer system provides the opportunity to integrate electronic resources from around the world with the libraries’ other more traditional resources. This policy, along with all policies, is reviewed and updated annually by the Library Board of Trustees and those updates are included in the Library Board meeting minutes. This review includes maintaining compliance with CIPA via filtering software installed and maintained by the Sevier County IT department.

                In order to offer quality Internet service to all of our patrons, potential users must agree to follow the guidelines outlined below.  In addition, due to the controversial nature of some of the materials available on the Internet, a parent or legal guardian must grant permission for any child under the age of 18 to use an Internet workstation at the library by their decision and signature on the Library Card Registration form.  When you register for your library card, you are agreeing to abide by the Technology and Internet Public Access Policy by your signature.




                The Internet, as an information resource, enables the libraries to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection.  It allows access to ideas, information, and commentary from around the world.  Information accessed through the Internet is not warranted by the libraries to be accurate, authoritative, factual, or complete.  It is the patron’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of any material found on the Internet.  Therefore, library patrons are advised to exercise critical judgment when using information from the Internet, realizing that accuracy, completeness, and currency vary widely.  More accurate, comprehensive, and current information may be found in non-Internet sources locally housed by the libraries.  The library system does not endorse any viewpoints represented on the Internet.  It is up to each individual to determine the value of what you find.

                Internet resources may contain material of a controversial nature.  It is the responsibility of the user, parent, or legal guardian to determine what is appropriate.  The SCPLS does not monitor or have control over content on the Internet.  However, if it is determined that a patron is violating other’s rights by viewing material that is inappropriate or out of the scope of minimum community standards, the patron may be restricted from access to the Internet from library computers.  The library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its connection to the Internet.


Technology Protection Measures


                The libraries have installed and enforce the operation of Sonicwall filtering software on all library computers with Internet access, and will enforce the operation of same during any use of those computers to prevent minors from accessing visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic or harmful to minors. This filtering software installation is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act.  The library will have no liability for damage related to the operation of, or failure of, the filtering software, or for its circumvention by users.

                The term ‘harmful to minors’ is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h] [7], as meaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.

                Filtering software is not foolproof.  It diminishes the likelihood that searchers will inadvertently retrieve text or images that they may find offensive, but does not eliminate that possibility.  Filters often block access to sites that users would consider both inoffensive and useful.

                If you do not find what you need, please do not hesitate to ask a librarian for help.  Technology protection measures may be disabled by a library staff member, as necessary, by people aged 18 and older if requested.


                As with all library resources, the libraries affirm the right and responsibility of parents and guardians to determine and monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet.  Parents or legal guardians who believe that their children cannot responsibly use the library’s Internet access are requested to monitor their children’s Internet use.


  • Use of public access computers is strictly on a first-come, first-serve basis and is provided equally to all library users except those whose privileges have been revoked or restricted for failure to observe library system policies. Reservations by phone, or any other method, are not taken.  Sessions last forty-five (45) minutes at a time.  If no one is waiting for a computer, the session may be extended.
  • All public access computers are available to be logged on by any patron, of any age, without librarian assistance and without a library card. If you do not want your minor child to be on the Internet, you will need to make your child aware of that rule, as we do not ask each child using the computer if they have ‘Internet permission’ on file from their parents or guardians.
  • SCPLS cannot assure access to all Internet resources at any given time. The requested resource may be available only to authorized users, may be busy, experiencing technical difficulty, or is no longer available.
  • Library staff is available to assist you with Internet access and may also refer you to other available information resources. If you require help that will be more extensive or take an extended period of time, the librarian may ask you to schedule a time to come and receive assistance as we are taking care of many patrons at one time during a routine schedule.
  • SCPLS is not liable for costs you incur through the use of fee-based services that you subscribe to on the Internet.
  • Black and white printing is available from all workstations for $.10 cents per page. Printing can be activated by clicking on ‘File’, then ‘Print’.  Fill out the print screen options (range, number of copies, etc.), and then click ‘Ok’.  The print job will be spooled to a computer at the attendant’s desk.  The cost of the job will be displayed.  You will be asked for your last name to identify the job in the spooler.  When you are ready to receive your print copy, pay for your print job, and the attendant will print it.  SCPLS cannot be responsible for jobs printed that do not meet your expectations.  You are strongly encouraged to use the ‘Print Preview’ option to view the job before sending it to the spooler.  Jobs are held in the spooler for 1 ½ hours after which if you have not claimed it, it is automatically erased.  Please be aware of this time limit and claim your print work before it is lost. 
  • Removable storage is available in the Business Center. The cost of a CD or other device is one dollar ($1.00). 
  • Unemployed persons who are filling out applications or printing resumes for job seeking may have 10 copies per day free of charge. If an online option to fill out and submit applications and resumes is available we would encourage you to make use of that free feature on corporate human resource websites.
  • While computer users have the right to privacy and confidentiality, security in a public library setting is difficult to achieve. The library cannot guarantee privacy or confidentiality.  All users should exercise common courtesy.  Attempting to eavesdrop on another’s work or engage in any activity that encroaches on an individual’s rights to privacy and confidentiality is prohibited, including disruption of library patrons and/or staff, and harassing other Internet users via the libraries network.
  • Violation of computer system security including using unauthorized passwords to gain access to computer accounts and breaking into private computer networks, damaging or altering software and/or hardware components including attempting to reconfigure computer software or hardware, attempting to install your own software programs and/or hardware components, or purposely causing damage to the computer system, or other ‘hacking’ activities would present grounds for loss of your library computer usage privileges for all ages.
  • Violation of copyright laws and software license agreements, network usage policies and regulations, local, state, or federal laws would present grounds for loss of your library computer usage privileges.
  • For the protection and safety of all users it is recommended that you avoid disclosing personal information over the Internet. Library Internet users are prohibited by law from disclosing, using, or disseminating personal information regarding minors without written authorization of the parent or legal guardian of said minors.  Internet users are prohibited from using the library computers to compromise the safety and security of minors when using email, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communication.
  • All people accessing the wireless Internet via the library must comply with the current library policies for Internet use.
  • Access points to the library wireless Internet are provided by the library free of charge to patrons with appropriate computers receiving the signal provided.
  • The library wireless connection is encrypted and filtered. The library and its staff take no responsibility for minors who bring computers in to the library and connect to the wireless Internet service.
  • Use of the library wireless connection is done at the patron’s own risk. Information sent to and from your computer using the wireless connection can be captured by anyone else using the wireless device and the appropriate software.
  • Library staff cannot configure user’s computers, since everyone’s device is different and the library cannot accept the liability of handling the equipment. The library staff is unable to provide any technical support, troubleshooting, or configuring of a patron’s device.  The library staff is prohibited from making any physical contact with any device.  The wireless is available to any device capable of accessing wireless Internet transmissions.
  • The library staff is able to confirm that the wireless access is available at a given time. However, the library cannot guarantee a wireless signal or that the entire public area will contact a wireless signal.  The responsibility of connectivity rests with the patron, not the library.
  • The library is not responsible for any changes made to your settings to access the wireless network.
  • Printing is available via the wireless connection. The ability to print via the wireless connection requires that the appropriate software be downloaded to your device and that the wireless device can ‘see’ your device and your device can ‘see’ our wireless printer. The library cannot guarantee your ability to access this resource with your device and is prohibited from making any changes to your device for this purpose. Please see staff to request wireless printing and be prepared and knowledgeable of your device to take the appropriate steps to complete the process.
  • The library cannot guarantee that an electrical outlet will be available to patrons wishing to access the wireless Internet. Electrical outlets can be accessed providing they do not impede or block the pedestrian traffic in the library.  All tables in the grand reading room have working electrical outlets.
  • Patron devices should not be left unattended for any reason while in the library. The library cannot be responsible for patron devices left unattended. They can be stolen.

Ethical Guidelines and Violations

                All users of electronic information resources are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and information purposes for which they are provided. 

                The user’s access to the library’s computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right.  Misuse of the library computers or other technology services will result in the loss of privileges and possible criminal prosecution.

Virus Warning

                Although the library uses a program that checks for viruses, there is no guarantee that files downloaded from the Internet will not contain a virus.  The library is not responsible for any damages that may arise from saving or downloading files to a disk.

Privacy and Confidentiality

                The library does not monitor any individual’s use of the Internet except for length of use in order to ensure equal opportunity of access for everyone, or when material obviously displayed on the screen is not appropriate in a public environment and user responsibilities are violated.  Patron’s use of the Internet is at their own discretion.  In general, the library will treat information on computers as confidential.  Requests for disclosure of information regarding an individual’s use will be honored only if approved by the library director, when authorized by the owners of the information, or when required by local, state, or federal law.

eReader/iPad/Notebook/HotSpot Lending Guidelines and User Agreement

eReaders/iPads/Notebooks will be checked out much like books with several important differences:

  • Patrons must be 18 years or older, have a current library card and valid photo ID, be a resident of Sevier County, and have an active library account in good standing for six months.
  • Loan period is 3 weeks with no renewals (eReaders).
  • Late fees will be $5.00 per day up to replacement cost, and will cover the machine, accessories, and any books loaded on the device.
  • A $10 service charge will be assessed to your account if you change any settings, register the library owned eReader/iPad/Notebook under any personal account, remove or add any items to the device due to time required to remove, correct, or restore the device to its original check-out settings.
  • eReaders/iPads/Notebooks are held at the circulation desk for 5 days if a hold is placed.
  • A patron may not check out an eReader/iPad/Notebook without signing the user agreement.
  • eReaders/iPads must be requested 30 minutes before your needed time/check-out along with any titles that you need assistance to download, so that the library staff may prepare the device for you to check-out and take home.
  • eReaders/iPads/Notebooks must be returned to the library circulation desk at least 30 minutes before closing time. This is also where any fines or fees for the device will be paid.
  • All components of the eReader/iPad/Notebook must be present upon return for the library to consider the item checked in.
  • eReaders may not be returned to the library via the outside drop boxes. eReaders found in the book drop are a violation of the signed user agreement and the user will be charged a $25.00 fine and prohibited from borrowing eReaders in the future.
  • The procedure for checking in and checking out an eReader/iPad is lengthy. Please allow 30 minutes to complete your transaction.  You must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing to begin this process.
  • Replacement costs:
    • For all components $225.00
    • eReader only $175.00
    • Cover/Case $25.00
    • Charger/Adapter $25.00
  • iPads are available for patrons who require assistive devices only. You will be asked to attest in writing that the iPad is being borrowed by or for an eligible individual. 
  • iPads can be checked out for in-house use only for 6 hours.
  • Replacement costs:
    • For all components $445.00
    • iPad only $375.00
    • Case/Keyboard $60.00
    • Charger/Adapter $10.00 (dual power)
  • Laptop computers are available for patrons to check out for in-house use only for 6 hours.
  • Replacement costs:
    • Notebook $450.00

HotSpot Lending Guidelines and User Agreement

HotSpots are checked out much like books with several important differences:

* You must be 18 years or older, have a current library card, valid photo ID, be a resident of Sevier County, and have an active library account in good standing for six months.

*Loan period is 2 weeks with one renewal if there are no reserves.
*Late fee will be $5.00 per day up to a max of $50.00, and the HotSpot will be deactivated automatically and immediately the first day after the due date so it will no longer work until you return it to be reset.
*User is not authorized to make any changes to the machine or components in any way.
*HotSpots are held at the circulation desk for 5 days if a hold is placed.
*HotSpots must be requested 30  minutes before your needed time/check-out.
*HotSpots must be returned to the library circulation desk at least 30 minutes before closing time.
*All components of the HotSpot must be present upon return for the library to consider the item checked in.

*HotSpots may not be returned to the library via the outside drop boxes. Violators will incur a fee of $25.00 and be prohibited from future borrowing on the HotSpot lending program.

*Replacement Costs:

                *$25.00 per HotSpot if damaged or not returned.

Specialty Collections Lending Guidelines

Specialty collections including our Nifty Thrifty Everyday Collection assortment of technology, home repair tools, kitchen ware, and hiking backpacks, etc. are checked out much like books with several important differences:

* You must be 18 years or older, have a current library card, valid photo ID, be a resident of Sevier County, and have an active library account in good standing for six months.

*Loan period is 1 weeks with one renewal if there are no reserves.
*Late fee will be $5.00 per day, per item checked out up to a maximum of the replacement cost.
*User is not authorized to make any changes to any components in any way.
*Specialty Collection items are held at the circulation desk for 5 days if a hold is placed.
*All components of the Specialty Collection items must be present upon return for the library to consider the item checked in. Fines will continue to accrue to the maximum amount until all parts of the specialty item are returned and accounted for by library staff.

*Specialty items may not be returned to the library via the outside drop boxes. Violators will incur a fee of $25.00 and be prohibited from future borrowing of the Nifty Thrifty Everyday Collection.
*All items must be returned in excellent working order, they must be extremely clean, free from any damage or misuse, and returned in packaging as checked out to the user. Items returned outside of these guidelines will incur a $25.00 fee for correcting issues and if item is damaged beyond use, see below for replacement costs.

*Replacement Costs:

                *Per item as listed in the library catalog or via staff provided details

*I am signing the waiver below and in doing so agree to hold Sevier County Public Library System and Sevier County Government harmless from any and all claims, loss, damage, or injury to myself, my family members/friends, or my personal property, any liabilities and costs, including attorney’s fees, as a result of my use of these specialty collection items checked out to use in my home or use inside the library by me. I am aware that some items have risks associated with the use of them if not used properly, and that detailed instructions on the safe use of them are included, and will be read, observed, and supervised by me or others for items used in my home, or in the library, while in my/their use of these specialty collections.


Name (Printed):_______________________________________________________________________

Library Card Number:__________________________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number:_________________________________________________________________


By my signature, I declare that I have read and understand this user agreement, agree to accept responsibility as the terms are outlined above, and will pay the full cost of any item lost or damaged, payable in full immediately to avoid library card user restrictions.

Signature__________________________________________________ Date______________________


*iPad Only-I attest that I, or someone in my care, requires the use of assistive devices and I declare that I have read and understand this user agreement, agree to accept responsibility as the terms are outlined above, and will pay the full cost of any item lost or damaged, payable in full immediately to avoid library card user restrictions.

Signature_________________________________________________ Date_______________________


Items returned in working order with no alterations ascertainable at this time:

Staff Signature____________________________________________ Date_______________________



Approved November 2024